World Book Day 2022

Students and staff join others across the globe in celebrating literature and literacy
World Book Day is always a cause for celebration at Norbury High and this year was no different.
The day's activities were set in motion with a pre-launch lecture on identity, marginalisation and what it means to be black and British from historian David Olusoga, author of Black and British: A Forgotten History.
Students were asked to explore and highlight marginalised histories and forgotten stories of their own in response to David's lecture; Anastasia Daniels and Lana Mitchell were judged overall winners.
Guest speakers Emma McGordon, award-winning poet and writer, and Shaniqua Benjamin, Croydon's first Poet Laureate and alumnus of our school, explored creativity with students through stories and poetry.
A cookery competition inspired by spices described in Man Booker Prize winner Kiran Desai's debut novel Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard resulted in some wonderful work; among the winners were Key Stage 4 students Corin Henry (most creative chef), Sayana Nallathamby (independent chef), and Meena Niazi (best food preparation) - all received a recipe book and other prizes.
As always, there was a great response to the invitation to dress as a favourite literary character. Among the student winners was Amina Omar (above, dressed as a Ghostbuster) who took the prize for most creative costume. Mr Wooper scooped first prize in the staff contest as Cruella de Vil. Thanks to all who took part and/or donated funds to help us raise over £580 for literacy-focused causes.
View more pictures in our World Book Day 2022 gallery.