
Norbury High School for Girls is delighted to announce that we are currently working towards the re-accreditation of our Investor in Careers Award. Investor in Careers is an accredited National Licensed Awarding Body for The Quality in Careers Standard for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) provision.
We are proud to be able to offer our students the help and support they need to make informed choices about their futures. Through one-to-one meetings with our independent careers adviser, talks given by professionals, educational trips or via the curriculum we deliver, we provide our learners with many opportunities to investigate their future pathways.
We work with colleges, apprenticeship providers, higher education institutions, external agencies and businesses to ensure the advice we give is current and correct. Provision is made for all year 10 students to participate in two weeks' work experience which emphasises the value of a positive work ethic and helps prepare them for life beyond education.
Displays around the school encourage students to investigate careers in various industries and all students have access to a careers room that provides additional resources. All students are supported via the PSHE programme as well as through meetings with the careers adviser at key points in their education.
We believe in investing in our students’ futures by offering them valuable and continuing opportunities to learn and by allowing them to fully explore the options that are open to them.
Careers lead: Alison Park

Contact number: 020 8679 0062
Contact email:
Parents/carers and education/training providers
Can you help out our students with a careers talk or work placement? Please see our Careers Support page for further information and to get in touch.