Norbury High School for Girls

Student Voice

Please see the timetable for meetings below. Contact Ms Patel or Miss John-Lewis for further information.

Tuesday 12th March

  • Year 7: 13:15 (SO3)
  • Year 8: 13:15 (SO3)
  • Year 10: 13:15 (IT6)

Wednesday 13th March

  • Year 9: 13:15 (SO3)

Thursday 14th March

  • Year 11: 13.15 (IT6)

Friday 15th March

  • Year 12: 13:15 (IT6)
  • Year 13: 13:15 (IT6)

If you have anything you would like to raise as an issue please email

The short film below was made by former Norbury Manor (as the school was once known) student Shaniqua Benjamin, Croydon's first poet laureate.

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