Pastoral Structure
Norbury High School for Girls is committed to delivering outstanding pastoral care. We believe in looking after the whole child and not just their academic needs.
Each year group has seven form groups and a dedicated head of year, responsible for monitoring academic progress and behaviour. In addition, pastoral leaders, with responsibilities for different year groups, are on hand to lend support when it comes to issues like attendance, punctuality and day-to-day issues. Form tutors see their students at the beginning of every school day, enabling them to look after students’ social and moral needs as well as their academic mentoring.
Parents/carers get an opportunity to meet their child’s form tutor twice a year, at the target setting day in November and at the academic review day in July. A number of written reports are produced by teachers to allow parents/carers to monitor progress made both within and beyond the classroom.
You can read more about our pastoral structure here.